Thursday, May 22, 2014

Book Review: Adorkable

by Sarra Manning

Welcome to the dork side. It's going to be a bumpy ride..

Jeane Smith's a blogger, a dreamer, a dare-to-dreamer, a jumble sale queen, CEO of her own lifestyle brand and has half a million follower on twitter.

Michael Lee's a star of school, stage and playing field. A golden boy in a Jack Wills hoodie.

They have nothing in common but a pair of cheating exes. So why can't they stop snogging?

This is just the kind of book I've been meaning to read. True, its shallow, not quotable unlike John Green's, David Levithan's, especially,  Mitch Albom and Paulo Coelho's books but it has really also been a while since Sophie Kinsella's Confession of a Shopaholic. And nothing feels comfortable as reading banters between Mr. Popular and Ms. Eccentric. The book is a voice on its own. Jeane Smithe may come out as irritating, but truth be told, its just how we are when we're confused, nervous, stressed. You can't take the PMS-ing part of Jeane Smith just because she's fiction. And that is why this book is just so adorkable. Enter Michael Lee, the textbook-perfect boyfriend. It's just, he's so understanding, so patient and I love how he was potrayed as someone who's struggling between being conventional because that's what he was long before and being attracted to someone who's wholly opposite to who he was and yet he managed to still be the perfect gentleman. I love how how they weren't on the moon for each other. Or how they were all gooey eyes and each other's oxygen for a change while managing the readers to hang on to every word because they were waiting for the I love you's that never came. Scarlett's character wasn't what i though it would be. Neither did I ever expect her to stand up for the dorkiness of Jeane really, I especially fell for her when her inner feminist warrior was set free. 

On the downside, I wish we had more glimpse of Andrew, he was a major part of why Jeane's family broke out, i would have loved to hear more Bethan-Jeane interaction and it would have been nice to have more of the Adorkable-Winsomedimsum twitter exchange just to add that little cheese. 

Its a fresh take on having the plus side of social media. Its always most of the time a hindrance to being truly alive. Its often discouraged to sit up in front of a computer doing facebook and Twitter but this changed the scene. It showed how far you could go with being online. Its Jeane Smith's bread and butter. It was what made her. 

This is just the right amounts quirky, aww-worthy with all the inspirational drizzle over it. I'm sold. 

PS. I love how the book cover is so much like a movie poster of Juno.

Rating: 8.9/10


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